Bad checks can be the result of an honest mistake. Maybe an error by your bank or employer was at fault for the bounced check. A simple mistake in personal accounting can make someone believe that …
What Does a Drug Attorney Do?
If you have been arrested for either selling drugs or the possession of drugs, it's important that you get the right drug attorney to plead your case. The more experienced lawyers have represented …
Criminal Law Question: What If the Witness Doesn’t Want to Prosecute?
Most people don't know much about criminal law, and what we don't know can hurt us. For example, lots of people believe that they can't be charged with a crime if a witness doesn't want to prosecute. …
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Know Your Rights: Surveillance Laws
As a citizen of the United States, you should be aware of general surveillance laws as well as those relating directly to legal proceedings. Our country has a wide range of such laws in place in order …
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Know Your Rights
You must know your rights if you are stopped by a police officer or arrested. You don't give up your legal rights when this happens, and knowing your rights helps you get the best possible …