St. Charles Defense Attorney Bill Byrnes
Probation Violation Defense
Probation Violations are common in St. Louis and St. Charles, but they’re serious crimes for which you need legal defense. Bill Byrneswants you to know you have rights. Trust Bill Byrnes to fight for you!
Are You Charged with Violating Your Parole?
A probation violation is a serious criminal defense matter. When probation is granted, it is a legal alternative to serving jail time. Probation is typically considered a suspended sentence for both felonies and misdemeanors.
When a person is found guilty by a judge at a probation violation hearing they face the jail or prison sentence from the original charge. Consider the case of someone on probation for passing bad checks after receiving a sentence of five years in jail. If a judge determines that this person violated any of the terms of his or her probation, that person will face five years in jail.
If your probation officer is seeking a probation violation, you can be sure that they intend to fight for jail time. Therefore, you need a criminal defense lawyer as soon as you become aware that a warrant for your arrest has been issued or a probation violation hearing has been scheduled.
Bill Byrnes of Byrnes Law Firm, LLC has earned the respect of probation officers, prosecutors, and judges throughout Missouri since 2000. He will sit down to negotiate better solutions to your probation violation — solutions that don’t include sending you back to jail to serve your original sentence. He knows which proposals will be taken seriously by each prosecutor and upheld by each judge in the Missouri County Courts. He will take the time to explain why you are a good person and should be continued on probation, not sitting in jail.
He will take your freedom seriously and work the system on your behalf. Experience and people skills are critical on probation violation cases. Call Bill for FREE 24 hours a day at 636-896-4300. He can talk through your unique set of circumstances and devise a plan to help keep you out of jail.
Byrnes Law Firm wins, and we’ll win for you too!
The Byrnes Law Firm practices many areas of criminal law, and has helped many people like you deal with probation violation charges. He has dedicated himself to protecting your constitutional rights. Bill wants you represented by the best, and would love to speak with you about your probation violation defense case. CALL OUR OFFICE to set up a FREE CONSULTATION. Our phones are available 24 hours a day.
Why Call Byrnes Law Firm?
For nearly 20 years, Bill Byrnes has been preserving the rights individuals and families across the state of Missouri. He’s trusted to win by clients throughout St. Louis County, including St. Charles, St. Louis, and surrounding areas.
Bill is more than just “some lawyer”; he truly cares, and treats each client with the kind of personalized attention and respect that are rare among lawyers. How far will bill go for his clients? Take a look at this.
Proven Results
As one of the few lawyers in the St. Louis area that have actually set case law, Bill Byrnes is well-equipped to take on your case — and win it. Based on the thousands of cases he’s represented over the years, it’s safe to say you are in good hands with Byrnes Law Firm.
Probation Violations Are Serious
Understanding the crime you’re being charged with:
You need the best lawyer on your side!
Bill Byrnes of Byrnes Law Firm, LLC has earned the respect probation officers, prosecutors and judges throughout Missouri since 2000. He will sit down to negotiate better solutions to your probation violation that don’t include sending you back to jail to serve your original sentence. He knows the exact proposals that will be taken seriously by each prosecutor and upheld by each judge in the Missouri County Courts. He will take the time to explain why you are a good person and should be continued on probation not sitting in jail.
He will take your freedom seriously and work the system on your behalf. Experience and people skills are critical on probation violation cases. Call Bill for FREE 24 hours a day at 636-896-4300. He can talk through your unique set of circumstances and devise a plan to help keep you out of jail.

Byrnes Law Firm understands that many people struggle with the financial burdens their case may have, and likely feel reluctant to even speak with a lawyer about their case, often choosing to go at it alone. This is a mistake, and more often than not, will lead to an unfavorable outcome in your case. When your rights are at risk, you need a strong and experienced lawyer at your side to get you through with the best possible outcome, and the Byrnes Law Firm wants you to know that you can call and consult with them about your case absolutely free. Tell your story, and know your options. You’re in good hands.